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Health is Wealth: Strategic Visions for European Healthcare at the Beginning of the 21st Century, Report of the European Parliament | |||||
Autor: Unger, Felix, 1946- AnotaceThe uniqueness of human dignity must remain at the centre of all efforts to achieve this goal. They have to be maximised to serve members of society throughout their lives, both for cure and prevention. However, preventive medicine can only be practised in partnership with individuals acting responsibly. A healthcare system on a European scale is an enormous endeavour. Currently, there are severe differences evident in the national provisions. The dichotomy has to be addressed where individual national structures are oriented toward European standards, while the care to the individual is delivered locally. The Strategic Vision aims to address the need for an overall strategy that can be adapted and implemented on the local bases. It puts a specific emphasis upon cost containment. New mechanisms have to be implemented to control the cost of healthcare. Clear rules for delivery are needed to prevent the advent of multi-class healthcare. This requires the development of a new underlying philosophic paradigm. Dostupné zdroje