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Differential Diagnosis by Laboratory Medicine

Rok: 2003
ISBN: 9783540430575
OKCZID: 110165945

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
Differential diagnosis by laboratory medicine: a quick reference for physicians. Berlin: Springer, 2002. xxx, 1098 s.



This extensive handbook is indispensable for clinicians and physicians. It provides assistance in the establishment of a precise diagnosis as well as the right decisions for patient treatment. Up-to-date and comprehensive information for differential diagnosis is presented in a well-structured manner. Described in different sections are data of more than 1,950 different conditions, the interference of over 1,200 different drugs as well as a comprehensive section of international reference values of clinical-biochemical and laboratory parameters. The detailed index of more than 900 biochemical/laboratory parameters in various biological samples is especially useful for the practitioner. The extensive list of frequently used synonyms and abbreviations provide comfortable and fast access to desired information.

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