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Gastrointestinal cancer : radiation therapy ; Ralph R. Dobelbower

Rok: 1990
ISBN: 9783540505051
OKCZID: 110688023

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
DOBELBOWER, Ralph R., ed. Gastrointestinal cancer: radiation therapy ; Ralph R. Dobelbower. Berlin: Springer, 1990. 301 s. Medical radiology.



The intricate role of radiation therapy in the management of GI cancer is comprehensively reviewed in this timely volume. It offers unique coverage of the entire gastrointestinal tract, from the esophagus to the anus. Although the work focuses clearly on the radiotherapeutic management of tumors of the GI tract, reviews of anatomy, epidemiology, and other pertinent topics are given. The volume is generally organized by disease site, but extensive special sections amplify important aspects related to GI cancer. These include the radiographic evaluation of GI malignancy and tumor markers, an up-to-date review of chemotherapeutic treatment of gut cancers, and patient follow-up. Edited by an internationally known leader in the field of radiotherapy, this volume represents a compilation of years of research and experience utilizing today's technology and state-of-the-art techniques.

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