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Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Tomography of Intracranial Tumors: A Clinical Perspective | |||||
Rok: 1989 AnotaceThis internationally recognized standard work on cerebral computed tomography has been completely revised and expanded to include magnetic resonance imaging. It systematically presents the clinical diagnosis and differential diagnosis of virtually all cerebral tumors. Cranial base and orbital lesions are also included. The authors' vast experience with CT and MRI in almost 10,000 cases of verified space-occupying lesions and orbital diseases lays a solid foundation for this second edition. The comprehensive illustrations include not just the typical, but also the rare tumors and atypical sites. The new WHO classification was used for the tumor categorization. The section on differential diagnosis offers complete coverage of all non-neoplastic, space-occupying intracranial lesions: inflammatory diseases, AIDS related diseases, acute demyelinization, granulomas, cysts, parasites, hemorrhages, vascular anomalies and brain infarctions. Dostupné zdroje