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Autor: Borchardt-Ott, Walter.
Rok: 2004
ISBN: 9783540594789
OKCZID: 110061019

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
BORCHARDT-OTT, Walter. Crystallography. 2nd ed. Berlin: Springer, 1995. xiii, 307 s.



As a self-study guide, course primer or teaching aid, Borchardt-Ott's Crystallography is the perfect textbook for students and teachers alike. In fact, it can be used by chemists, mineralogists, physicists and geologists. Based on the author's more than 20 years of teaching experience, the book has numerous line drawings designed especially for the text and a large number of exercises - with solutions - at the end of each chapter. The fourth edition of the original German text has been translated into English for an international readership. The heart of the book is firmly fixed in geometrical crystallography. It is from the concept of the space lattice that symmetry operations, Bravais lattices, space groups and point groups are all developed. Molecular symmetry and crystal forms are treated. Much emphasis is placed on the correspondence between point groups and space groups. The sections on crystal chemistry and X-ray diffraction are intended as an introduction to these fields.

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