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Medical Imaging of the Spleen (Medical Radiology / Diagnostic Imaging)

Rok: 2000
ISBN: 9783540655350
OKCZID: 110869423



This volume provides a much-needed update on imaging of the spleen, a subject that has witnessed a revival of interest in recent years owing to new insights into physiology and pathophysiology and the application of modern noninvasive imaging modalities. Introductory chapters discuss the normal anatomy and radiological appearances. Thereafter individual chapters document the imaging findings in a wide range of hematological, immunological, oncological, infectious, vascular, and systemic disorders. Splenic pathology in infancy and childhood is considered separately, and there is a chapter on interventional procedures. Informative differential diagnostic tables are also provided. This well-illustrated book will serve as an invaluable source of easily accessible information for both clinicians and radiologists.

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