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The musical culture of Silesia before 1742 :new contexts - new perspectives

Rok: 2013
ISBN: 9783631634141
OKCZID: 112840592

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
GANCARCZYK, Paweł, ed., HLÁVKOVÁ, Lenka, ed. a POŚPIECH, Remigiusz, ed. The musical culture of Silesia before 1742: new contexts - new perspectives. Frankfurt am Main: PL Academic Research, 2013. 335 s. Eastern European studies in musicology, vol. 1.


The volume includes detailed studies concerning various aspects of the musical culture of Silesia from the fifteenth to mid-eighteenth centuries. The authors, who represent academic centres in Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Slovakia, Holland, France and Great Britain, present new sources, as well as reinterpreting previously known facts and phenomena. What makes the approach here so original is that it takes into account the wider context of musical culture in Silesia, not limited to examining it exclusively in relation to the Polish, Czech or German cultures. Here we can see Silesia as one of the regions of Central Europe, and not merely as a western province of Poland, northern province of the Czech Kingdom, or eastern province of Prussia.

Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU

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