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Kelten : Bilder ihrer Kultur = Celts : images of their culture

Autor: Helmut Birkhan, Sophie Kidd
Rok: 1999
ISBN: 9783700128144
OCLC Number: (OCoLC)877177847
OKCZID: 110221472
Vydání: Deutsch-englische Ausgabe =

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
BIRKHAN, Helmut. Kelten: Bilder ihrer Kultur = Celts : images of their culture. Deutsch-englische Ausgabe =. Přeložil Sophie Francis KIDD. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1999, 453 s. ISBN 3-7001-2814-2.


The era of the Celts lasted more than 1,000 years in the history of Central and Western Europe. This lavishly illustrated volume comprehensively documents Celtic culture from its emergence in the Hallstatt period to the era of Christian-ization, between Anatolia and Ireland, Slovakia and Portugal. A brief, yet detailed introduction explains and comments on the material, pointing out connections and interpreting the illustrations, drawings, and maps. An index of illustrations refers the reader to further literature on the subject, as well as providing additional information. This fascinating period of ancient European culture is presented in a total of almost 800 illustrations documenting major items from over 60 museums and collections. More than 160 scholars and artists from Ireland to Turkey have contributed invaluable pictorial material. The author has traveled the entire settlement area of the Celts, in particular the British Isles, and supplements the illustrations of objects with his own atmospheric landscape photographs, providing fascinating ethnographic details of everyday life, traditional customs, and popular piety.

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