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Parcitypate : art and urban space

Rok: 2009
ISBN: 9783721207194
OKCZID: 110761930

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
BEYES, Timon, DEUFLHARD, Amelie, ed. a KREMPL, Sophie-Thérèse, ed. Parcitypate: art and urban space. Sulgen: Niggli AG, c2009. 37 s., [ca. 200] s.



Coming out of an international symposium at Germany's University of St.Gallen and Hamburg's Kampnagel Culture Factory in 2007, this huge book addresses the question of how art affects urban space. ParCITYpate is a departure for artists, curators and innovative minds in the urban and spatial realms far from the beaten path of art theory and urban political dialogue. Bringing together the perspectives of international urban researchers and social scientists with artists, art theorists and curators, this fertile collection offers new ideas on the effects of urban art projects and their interaction with urban culture, development, economics and politics. Beyond praise or criticism, artistic interventions take part in the production of city space by opening new possibilities for urban action. An exciting exploration.

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