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Divisionism :mastery of color? effusion of color! : Winter 1

Rok: ©2014
ISBN: 9783775735797
OCLC Number: (OCoLC)858806184
OKCZID: 112677404

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
Divisionism: mastery of color? effusion of color! : Winter 1. Přeložil Caroline HIGGITT, přeložil Bronwen SAUNDERS, přeložil John TITTENSOR. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2014, 296 s. ISBN 978-3-7757-3579-7.



The representatives of Neo-Impressionism permanently liberated paint from the mixing of colors on the palette, as well as from its traditional method of application, just as it had been revived through the atmospheric illusionism of the Impressionists. Beginning in France, the painterly revolution of the new movement--also known as Pointillism or Divisionism--stretched from the banks of the Seine to the snow-covered slopes of the Alps, from Georges Seurat to the Swiss artist Giovanni Giacometti. Unmixed and following the laws of optics, dots, spots and lines of color were placed alongside each other with great precision so that the human eye would ultimately perform the job of blending the colors during the process of viewing. Featuring texts by distinguished international specialists, this catalogue presents a comprehensive overview of European Neo-Impressionism.

Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU

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