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London street art anthology

Autor: MacNaughton, Alex
Rok: c2009
ISBN: 9783791343167
OKCZID: 110794976

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
MACNAUGHTON, Alex. London street art anthology. Munich: Prestel, c2009. ca 172 s.


A comprehensive visual record ofthe London street art scene, thisbook showcases the best localand international urban artistswho have used London as theircanvas.Acclaimed photographer Alex MacNaughton has made it his mission to capture every kind of street art-from stencils to wheatpastes and stickers to murals. Brimming with new works found all over London, this riot of colour, political commentary, passion, and humour is presented in stunning reproductions, each labeled with the street location, and featuring artists such as Sweet Toof, Swoon, and Eine. From femme fatales by CopyRight to huge multi-artist murals by AAGH crew, the scope of this groundbreaking book is reflected in a larger format which shows off the stunning new photography. Illuminated with quotes by the artists and gallerists who show their work, this exciting new book reflects how London as a city, a home, a gallery, and a studio influences street art today.

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