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Retrospective - Max Hollein | ||||||||
Autor: Prestel Laszlo Moholy-Nagy AnotaceThis companion volume to a major exhibitionof the work of László Moholy-Nagy highlightsthe extraordinary range of his prolific career. Throughout his career Moholy-Nagy produced brilliant works inpainting, film, photography, sculpture, set design andtypography. A leading proponent of the Bauhaus School, hestrove to apply artistic principles to every aspect of daily life.This companion volume to a retrospective features 170 worksfrom all phases of Moholy-Nagy s career. Essays on his involvementwith the Bauhaus School; his late paintings; his photographs,photograms, and photosculptures; and his accomplishments inthe field of graphic art are complemented by numerous colorillustrations. The book also documents the reconstruction of anever completed work, The Room of Today, which incorporatesthe most important themes Moholy-Nagy brought to his art.Readers viewing his work for the first time, along with thosealready possessing a deep appreciation for his art, willcelebrate this long-overdue volume. Dostupné zdroje