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Architecture in the twentieth century

Autor: Peter Gössel , Gabriele Leuthäuser
Rok: 2001
ISBN: 9783822811627
NKP-CNB: cba001-m0013939
OKCZID: 110041239

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
GÖSSEL, Peter. Architecture in the twentieth century. Köln: Taschen, c2001. 447 s.

Hodnocení: 4.0 / 5 (6 hlasů)


TASCHEN is not too busy outdoing the competition to outdo itself. The proof is in this new, revised edition of 20th Century Architecture. What was already the leading publication of its kind is now back with a vengeance. Coverage up until 2000, more color photos, more architect biographies, new chapters on deconstructivism and the new living architecture... it all adds up to the best review of 20th century architecture you could hope for. From Frank Lloyd Wright to Gaudi to Frank O. Gehry to Shigeru Ban and everything in between, it's all here. The chronologically organized chapters put it all into perspective, illustrated by hundreds of large format photos as well as a plenitude drawings and floor plans. The biographical appendix covers all of the century's greatest architects, including today's new talents. An indispensable reference work and an absolute must for all lovers of architecture!

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