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Women artists in the 20th and 21st century | |||||
Autor: Uta Grosenick Hodnocení: 4.0 / 5 (6 hlasů) AnotaceTASCHEN TO PUBLISH A WHO’S WHO OF WOMEN IN THE ART WORLD Don’t expect Grandma Moses when you open this book. This 576 page flexi-bound book features over 90 international, trend-setting artists from the 1920s to the turn of the millennium and includes painting, sculpture, photography, video, installations, interactive projects, conceptual, performance and body art. Six pages are devoted to each artist including annotated photographs, an incisive essay describing her work, and an exhibition history. Presented in alphabetical order, WOMEN ARTISTS is an indispensable addition to a complete art library. ** The cover for this book was designed by Los Angeles artist Pae White and is titled More Birds, 2001. Dostupné zdroje