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Turecko mapa marco polo

Rok: 2005
ISBN: 9783829738774
OKCZID: 110137274



A double-sided, hard covered map, with special features to aid route planning and street plans of seven cities (Istanbul, Ankara, Antalya, Izmir, Adana, Kayseri and Trabzon). The place name index is in a separate 64-page booklet glued to the hard cover. A fold-out flap in the jacket shows an overview of the whole area covered by the map plus the adjoining regions and highlights popular locations, with the grid reference system in the margins making it easier to find places on the main map. A set of seven peel-on/peel-off stickers, removable without damaging the map surface, is provided for making selected locations more prominent when navigating. Also provided is a map showing driving distances across the whole country and information on main driving regulations.

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