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Richard Neutra, 1892-1970: Survival through Design, 25th Anniversary Edition

Rok: 2009
ISBN: 9783836513265
OKCZID: 110471871

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
LAMPRECHT, Barbara Mac. Richard Neutra: 1892-1970 : survival through design. Hong Kong: Taschen, c2009. 96 s. Taschen's 25th anniversary special editions.



Born and raised in Vienna, Richard Neutra (1872-1970) came to America early in his career, settling in California. His influence on post-war architecture is undisputed, the sunny climate and rich landscape being particularly suited to his cool, sleek modern style. Neutra had a keen appreciation for the relationship between people and nature; his trademark plate glass walls and ceilings which turn into deep overhangs have the effect of connecting the indoors with the outdoors. Neutra's ability to incorporate technology, aesthetics, science, and nature into his designs him recognition as one of Modernist architecture`s greatest talents.

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