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Mies van der Rohe | |||||
ISBN: 9783836560429 AnotaceFamed for his motto “less is more,” Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886–1969) was one of the founding fathers of modern architecture and a hotly-debated tastemaker of twentieth century aesthetics and urban experience. Van der Rohe’s philosophy was one of underlying truth in pure forms and proportions. With the help of contemporary technological and material developments, he sought a stripped-down purity to architecture, showcased by the likes of the Seagram Building and Farnsworth House. Some spoke out against this stark approach as the precursor to bland, generic cityscapes. Others cite van der Rohe as the ultimate master of an abdingly elegant essence. This book presents more than 20 of van der Rohe’s projects from the period 1906–1967 to introduce his groundbreaking practice and influence in both America and Europe. Dostupné zdroje