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Sigmund Freud: Wien IX. Berggasse 19 (German Edition)

Rok: 1993
ISBN: 9783854474517
OKCZID: 110171992

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
ENGELMAN, Edmund a SCHOLZ-STRASSER, Inge, ed. Sigmund Freud: Wien 9. Berggasse 19. 1. Aufl. Wien: Verlag Christian Brandstätter, 1993. 111 s.



Sigmund Freud, Wien IX, Berggasse 19 compiles a comprehensive catalogue of photographs by Edmund Engelman who documented the original state of the Freuds' home in Vienna before they sought refuge in London in 1938. Edmund Engelman secretly went into the apartment at Berggasse 19 and took photographs without any flash from his camera, so as not to alert the Nazi authorities of his presence. Eighty years on, this collection of photographs still exists as one of the most important documents of Freud's original consulting room, study and home.

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