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Die Gestalten Verlag Urban Interventions - Robert Klanten | ||||||||
Rok: 2010 AnotaceEvolving from graffiti and street art, urban interventions are the next generation of artwork to hit public space. Using any and all of the components that make up urbanand rural landscapes, these mostly spatial interventions bring art to the masses. They turn the street into a studio, laboratory, club, and gallery. Modified traffic signs, swings at bus stops, and images created out of sand or snow challenge us to rediscoverour environment and interact with it in new ways. The work is an intelligent and critical commentary on the planning, use, and commercialization of public space. With a rich visual selection of projects and methods, Urban Interventions documentsthis new artistic approach to urban art that is currently making a profoundmark on our contemporary visual language. The book shows the growing connections and interplay of this scene with art, architecture, performance, and installation.Propagators of urban intervention surprise and provoke with work in citiesincluding New York and London, but also in countries such as China, Columbia, and Turkey. Everywhere the work appears it turns public spaces into individual experiences. Urban Interventions is the first book to document these very current, personal art projects in a comprehensive way. Dostupné zdroje