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Emerging Identities - East!: Kirsten Ring | |||||||||||
Rok: 2006 AnotaceA bold, young architecture has been developing in Eastern Europe, virtually unnoticed in the West. Few of its practitioners have earned international recognition yet, although many show individual initiative and idealism, from planning to completion, that rivals or exceeds their more established peers'. Emerging Identities - EAST! presents a selection of architects' studios, introducing 30 striking projects distinguished by their conceptual approach and consistent practice, with representatives from Slovenia, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, the Baltic states and Germany. Cultural change, the quest for identity and the "repositioning" of former Eastern Bloc countries and their neighbors--all of this turmoil is reflected in these "constructed spaces" from Berlin to Tallinn and Ljubljana. Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU Dostupné zdroje