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Genuine Origami: 43 Mathematically-Based Models, From Simple to Complex

Rok: 2008
ISBN: 9784889962512
OKCZID: 110604114

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
MAEKAWA, Jun. Genuine origami: 43 mathematically-based models, from simple to complex. Tokyo: Japan publications trading, 2008. 158 s.



Like his counterpart in the U.S., prominent origami artist and scientist Robert J. Lang, Jun Maekawa approaches origami from the perspective of mathematical and geometric principles. In Genuine Origami, Maekawa takes readers, step-by-step, through the fundamentals of his method, beginning with the basics and guiding them through simple figures (a mouse, an elephant, Santa Claus) all the way up to such highly sophisticated models as his signature creations, the devil and the peacock.The 43 different models are grouped into five sections, including one chapter on the ABCs, three which present projects in order of increasing difficulty (Simple, Intermediate and Complex), and one called Varieties of Origami, which reveals how to use different kinds of papers and techniques. In addition to the folding instructions and diagrams, Maekawa explains the mathematical theory behind each project.An intriguing blend of art and science, Genuine Origami will allow newcomers to discover the pleasures of folding at the same time that it enables beginners and experts alike to learn clever, surprising and elegant sequences to produce exceptional results.

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