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Selected Plays Of Guan Hanqing

Rok: 2002
ISBN: 9787119028927
OKCZID: 110612542

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
HANQING, Guan. Guan Hanqing zaju xuan =: Selected plays of Guan Hanqing. Přeložil Xianyi YANG, přeložil Gladys YANG. Beijing: Waiwen chubanshe, 2001. Jingdian de huishong. ISBN 7-119-02892-8.



Containing eight plays by the magnificent Guan Hanqing, the "Shakespeare of China." Hanqing lived in the 13th century, at the height of the Yuan Dynasty. An actor himself, he is said to have written more than 60 plays for the traveling theater groups which flourished on the mainland in those days. His works concerned history, deception, treachery, men, women, and the abuse of official power. Also of note are the powerful and resourceful women he gives in such comedies as "Rescued by a Coquette," the portrayals of middle-class life back then, and not a bit of bawdy humor.

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