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Anecdotes about Spirits and Immortals (Library of Chinese Classics) (2 Volumes)

Rok: 2004
ISBN: 9787119033297
OKCZID: 110718760

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
GAN, Bao a Diming HUANG. Sou shen ji. Di 1 ban. Přeložil Wangdao DING. Beijing: Wai wen chu ban she, 2004, 1131 s. Da Zhonghua wen ku. Han Ying dui zhao =, Library of Chinese classics. Chinese-English. ISBN 7-1190-3329-8.



Anecdotes about Spirits and Immortals, written by Gan Bao; translated By Ding Wangdao; edited and translated into modern Chinese by Huang Diming Anecdotes about Spirits and Immortals is a collection of myths, legends and stories of monsters and incredible and uncanny happenings. It is a treasure house of Chinese folklore prior to the third century A.D. The compiler, Gan Bao, was a historian of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420). He was a firm believer in fate and the occult, including astrology and fortune telling, and applied the historian's method of recording to the fantastic stories which were current in his time. The breadth of imagination displayed in the Anecdotes about Spirits and Immortals and the story material itself had a far-reaching impact on Chinese literature, especially novels, of later generations, and provided a wellspring of inspiration for writers. Anecdotes about Spirits and Immortals was introduced to Korea in the 11th century, and to Europe in the 19th century. This book is a complete English version by the well-known translator Ding Wangdao.

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