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Autor: Zbyněk Janečka, Ladislav Bláha
ISBN: 9788024455549
ISBN: 9788024455556
NKP-CNB: cnb003216339
OKCZID: 128355278
Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
JANEČKA, Zbyněk. Motor competence in visually impaired persons. First English edition. Olomouc: Palacký University Olomouc, 2019. 262 stran. Monographs.
The practice of many physical activities by persons with visual impairment is subject to certain specifics which are given by the nature of the impairment. This publication presents visual defects and their connection to sport and physical activities. The studies of children and adults included here present a number of topics that concern their level of fitness and coordinative abilities, the manner and frequency of conducting physical activities in the assessment of their quality of life, and the desirable and realistic possibilities of engaging these people in the process of physical education. This monograph addresses questions of psychomotor development and the competences of a person with disabilities.