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Miroslav Tichý :les formes du vrai = podoby pravdy

Autor: Sanguinetti Gianfranco
Rok: 2011
ISBN: 9788074370380
NKP-CNB: cnb002163943
OCLC Number: (OCoLC)707610184
OKCZID: 110799229
Vydání: 1ère éd.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
SANGUINETTI, Gianfranco. Miroslav Tichý: les formes du vrai = podoby pravdy. 1ère éd. Prague: KANT, 2011. 247 s.

Hodnocení: 4.8 / 5 (4 hlasů)

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Moravská zemská knihovna v Brně (dostupné pouze v této knihovně)



Like the Prague exhibition that provided the opportunity to publish it, this book is the `explosive` result of the meeting between two personalities with a heretical reputation: the great photographer Miroslav Tichý and the former situationist Gianfranco Sanguinetti. Both are better known internationally than they are in the Czech Republic. Their paths were destined to cross - simply for the originality and radical nature of their approach to life. Tichý`s work inspired Sanguinetti to make critical and riveting insights into the art of our age. While his comments may fuel polemical debate, they cannot leave the reader indifferent. The photographs by Tichý that are being presented for the first time in this book and at the City Gallery Prague represent a strict selection that prioritises the eloquence of symbols that pervade Tichý`s work and which are, according to Sanguinetti, the key to his art.

Zdroj anotace: Zbozi.cz

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Městská knihovna v Praze
Můj antikvariát

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