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Artificial Intelligence from the Perspective of Law and Ethics: Contemporary Issues, Perspectives and Challenges : collection of proceedings of the international scientific conference "Artificial Intelligence from the Perspective of Law and Ethics: Contemporary Issues, Perspectives and Challenges" : November 11, 2021, Košice

Autor: Ján Klučka, Lucia Bakošová, Ľuboslav Sisák
ISBN: 9788075025906
NKP-CNB: cnb003398249
OKCZID: 128820310

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
KLUČKA, Ján, ed., BAKOŠOVÁ, Lucia, ed. a SISÁK, Ľuboslav, ed. Artificial Intelligence from the Perspective of Law and Ethics: Contemporary Issues, Perspectives and Challenges: collection of proceedings of the international scientific conference "Artificial Intelligence from the Perspective of Law and Ethics: Contemporary Issues, Perspectives and Challenges" : November 11, 2021, Košice. First edition. Prague: Leges, 2021. 257 stran. Teoretik.



Sborník příspěvků z mezinárodní vědecké konference o právních a etických problémech, které souvisejí s používáním umělé inteligence.

Zdroj anotace: NK ČR

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