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Autor: Nima Hematyar
ISBN: 9788075140920
NKP-CNB: cnb003255210
OKCZID: 128423975
Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
HEMATYAR, Nima. Protein and lipid oxidation in fish - pathways, kinetics and products =: Oxidace proteinů a lipidů u ryb - dráhy, kinetika a produkty. Vodňany: Fakulta rybářství a ochrany vod, Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2019. 112 stran.
"Fish muscle contains omega-3 fatty acids and high quality protein and other valuable nutrients. On the other hand, due to the high content of water, neutral pH, presence of PUFA and sensitive amino acids, fish muscle is a very perishable food. The progress of lipid and protein oxidation as well as interaction between the oxidation products could have a negative role during storage time. Negative effect of oxidation on the fish fillet quality has been reported by several authors, but still the pathways and products of protein oxidation owning to the diversity of the protein oxidation products is not clear. Pathways of lipid and protein interaction, target amino acids, storage conditions and also, final impact on the fish muscle quality have been investigated in this study. We examined the quality of fish muscle in common carp and perch during different storage conditions (+4°C and -20°C). Also, we compared some quality parameters in perch muscle from two different rearing systems to identify the pathways and products of oxidation. The present study investigated the oxidation progress with respect to TBARS and carbonyls as markers of lipid and protein oxidation respectively as well as contribution of PUFA on the lipid oxidation development. Further, the effect of storage conditions and oxidation on the textural and sensorial parameters were examined. Possible changes of pH, rigor index and biogenic amines, during post mortem were studied. Additionally, we performed proteomic analysis in order to investigate more deeply the protein alteration and find a correlation between protein structures and fish muscle quality. Our results showed a good stability in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fillet during 6 months storage at -20oC. According to our results, we observed a significant decrease in the firmness of common carp muscle after 1 week and then it was constant while liquid loss increased significantly with storage time. Regarding the sensory parameters, we could not find any differences in the examined parameters in both stored raw and cooked fillets compared to the fresh one. Although, both lipid oxidation parameters (TBARS and PV) were increased significantly but it did not reach the critical level for human consumption. On the other hand, protein oxidation which is involved in WHC deterioration was increased significantly. In addition, we investigated the muscle quality of Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) from two rearing systems (RAS and pond). During frozen and refrigerated storage, we observed a significant increase in the amount of TBARS and carbonyls in both rearing systems. Comparison between both rearing systems did not show any differences in the amount of TBARS while carbonyl was significantly higher in the RAS fillets rather than pond fillets particularly, until 4 month storage at -20oC. Also, we found a significant increase in liquid loss and considerable decrease in firmness in the fillets from both rearing systems. Our results showed higher firmness and liquid loss in the RAS fillets compared to the pond one. Proteomic analysis on the fillets from both rearing systems during frozen storage showed more stability in the RAS fillet however, western blot revealed more oxidized carbonyls in the RAS fillets rather than pond fillet specially, at time 0 and 4. Probably, formation of ice crystals and accumulation of ROS have key roles on the development of oxidation during frozen storage while enzymatic activity follow by protein degradation are important during refrigerated storage." In HEMATYAR, Nima. Protein and lipid oxidation in fish - pathways, kinetics and products =: Oxidace proteinů a lipidů u ryb - dráhy, kinetika a produkty. Vodňany: Fakulta rybářství a ochrany vod, Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, 2019. 112 stran. ISBN 978-80-7514-092-0.
Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU