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Building better quality administration for the public : case studies from Central and Eastern Europe

Rok: c2002
ISBN: 9788089013074
OKCZID: 110245494

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
CADDY, Joanne, ed. a VINTAR, Mirko, ed. Building better quality administration for the public: case studies from central and eastern Europe. Bratislava: NISPAcee, 2002. 236 s.



This book has its origins in the research and debates of the NISPAcee Working Group on Better Quality Administration. The co-ordinated programme of research, whose results are presented in this book, was launched in recognition of the need for sound comparative research on the introduction of quality measures to public administration in Central and Eastern Europe. Not only because these issues are now beginning to appear on government agendas across the region. But also because exchange of experience and learning is an integral element of successful quality initiatives. This collaborative research programme, involving as it has experts from a wide range of countries, testifies to the feasibility and fruitfulness of sharing policy lessons across national borders. The book addresses both the theory and practice of quality in public administration, as such it may prove useful to government practitioners, trainers and pinion makers The volume seeks to cover a wide range of issues in a concise manner and is structured into four main sections for ease of reference: Basic concepts, Methods and approaches, Country case studies and Policy guidelines.

Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU

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