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Entrepreneur extraordinary Tomas Bata

Autor: Antonín Cekota, Gabriela Culík Končitíková, Pavel Velev
Rok: 2022
ISBN: 9788090654068
OKCZID: 127920660

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
CEKOTA, Antonín. Entrepreneur extraordinary Tomas Bata. Second edition. Editorka Gabriela CULÍK KONČITÍKOVÁ, editor Pavel VELEV. Zlín: The Thomas Bata Foundation, 2018. 283 stran, 22 nečíslovaných stran obrazových příloh.


The book Entrepreneur extraordinary Tomas Bata is one of the basic in Bata literature. Written by Antonin Cekota, editor-in-chief of the Bata corporate newspaper and a close friend of Tomas Bata. Both of these roles had perfect access to detailed information of both the professional and private life of Tomas Bata. Cekota used all this information in writing a book that was finally published in exile. The book is divided into 37 chapters which reflect three periods of Tomas Bata´s life. The reader will thus become acquainted with the childhood and the beginnings of the business of Bata siblings, crisis years and years of rapidly growing prosperity. The author also focuses on selected so-called Bata principles, which later became the basis of the Bata management system. The book is a good choice for readers who want to learn more about the essence of the Bata phenomenon and the personality of Tomas Bata.

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