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Autor: Tomáš Ďuroška
Rok: 2023
ISBN: 9788097461553
ISBN: 9788097461560
OKCZID: 129230116



If you can´t choose a book because you´re tempted to a certain extent by everything, but nothing specific, then you´ve probably come to the right place. The author of this book is looking for the fabled philosopher´s stone and perhaps sven the Holy Grail of life management. He searches for inspiration many areas and looks for connections where you wouldn´t expext to find any. The author states in his book: \"We live in a decadent period of the modern Middle Ages. Blinded by millions of bright screens and phone displays, we live in a time of darkness. We have stopped noticing what is essential. We are hurtling at terrifying speed somewhere, with no idea of the desintation. We need to escape this trap and experience a new Renaissance.\" 

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