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The Zodiac Series: 10 Erotic Short Stories for Gemini

Rok: 2024
ISBN: 9788727095509
EAN: 9990003996350
OKCZID: 129262241



“I got a text message. I shouldn\'t have looked at all. I grabbed my phone to switch off the sound ahead of time so it wouldn’t disturb the meeting. But of course, I couldn\'t help checking the message: “No other women can be as wet and as tight as you. Painful how much my body misses yours. P.” – The Game with Mr. X Part of an erotic star signs series from LUST, ‘The Zodiac Series: 10 Erotic Short Stories for Gemini’ is a collection of erotica that aligns with this air sign. The sign of the twins is also a sign that craves change whether that’s switching positions in bed, changing to different locales for their steamy rendezvouses, or even changing partners. Geminis need a partner that will stimulate their mind and their body, and that’s exactly what they’ll find in this exciting collection that spans from spicy swingers to sex in forbidden places.

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