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Andy Warhol : a guide to 706 items in 2 hours 56 minutes | |||||
Autor: Eva Meyer-Hermann AnotaceBeyond the familiar Campbell's Soup cans, Brillo boxes, silkscreened Marilyn Monroes and floating silver mylar pillows--20 years after Pop icon Andy Warhol's death, we are still picking through his incredibly prolific output to understand what his artistic legacy actually is. Andy Warhol: Other Voices, Other Rooms, published on the occasion of the major exhibition by the same name at Amsterdam's renowned Stedelijk Museum, provides some new insight, digging into Warhol's lesser-known film, video and audio tape works. Important--and just a little scandalous--films like Blow Job and Kiss, audio tapes of celebrities, friends and anonymous hangers-on talking and other marginalia are considered alongside a selection of key photographs, drawings, screen prints and spatial installations, such as the spectacular "Silver Clouds." Edited by Eva Meyer-Hermann and with contributions by Geralyn Huxley, Greg Pierce and Warhol Museum Archivist, Matt Wrbican, who is currently unpacking hundreds of never-before-seen Warhol Time Capsules in Pittsburgh, this volume brings readers up to date with the most recent developments in the way we see the late artist's oeuvre. Dostupné zdroje