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Now is the Time | |||||
Rok: 2010 AnotaceThe twentieth century was brought to a definitive conclusion by the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York. What developments has art undergone since this violent end to an era, and what significance has been attributed to these developments by art theory? Now Is the Time: Art & Theory in the 21st Century is an anthology of new essays by both established theorists and emerging curators and critics, addressing seven social and artistic themes that seem particularly pointed at our present moment. They include such questions as: what is the impact of 9/11 on our visual culture and the visual arts? What are the consequences of ongoing globalization for the visual arts? These and other socially oriented themes are alternated with topics that are more traditionally associated with art, such as the return of Romanticism. Now Is the Time builds a bridge between art and theory, and between art and society. Dostupné zdroje