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Fabric Textures & Patterns (Agile Rabbit Editions)

Rok: 2008
ISBN: 9789057681127
OKCZID: 110853488

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
DRUDI, Elisabetta. Fabric textures & patterns. Amsterdam: Pepin Press, c2008. 352 s.



The choice of weave, type and thickness of yarn, and pattern have an enormous impact on the final appearance of clothing. A garment made of denim or tweed may have the same cut, but they will each have a very different look and feel from one another. This book and CD-ROM set draws together reproductions of some 250 textile weaves, reproduced (and, where needed, enhanced) in such a way as to make them suitable for sketching, either by hand or digitally. This selection has been made with fashion and textile designers in mind, but, of course, the images are also very suitable as backgrounds for graphic applications and web design.

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