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Guidelines for drinking-water quality : Volume 1 : Recommendations / First addendum to third edition

Rok: 2006
ISBN: 9789241546744
OKCZID: 110875174
Vydání: 3rd ed. (dod.)

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
Guidelines for drinking-water quality: Volume 1 : Recommendations. 3rd ed. (dod.). Geneva: World Health Organization, 2006. iii, 68 s.



The First Addendum to Volume 1 of the Third Edition of the Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality provides a detailed list of all changes to the Guidelines that have occurred since the Third Edition was published in 2004. It adds three new chemical fact sheets (1,4-Dioxane, MTBE, Petroleum oils) and revises several others(Formaldehyde, Mercury, Nickel, Trichloroethene, THMs, Permethrin, Chlorite and Chlorate. It updates the guideline summary tables; provides new text to address local actions in response to chemical water quality problems and emergencies; expands the discussion of chemicals used in water treatment and chemicals arising from materials in contact with water; and provides a complete list of minor revisions of or amendments to the text of the Third Edition.

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