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WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic 2009: Implementing Smoke-free Environments (World Health Report)

Rok: 2010
ISBN: 9789241563918
OKCZID: 110860775

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic, ... Geneva: World Health Organization, 2008-.



In this year's WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, all data on implementation of the six MPOWER tobacco control measures have been updated through 2008 and additional data have been collected on selected areas. Categories of policy achievement have been refined and, where possible, made consistent with guidelines of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. Last year's data have been reanalyzed to be consistent with these new categories, allowing comparisons between 2007 and 2008. The report also provides a comprehensive overview of the evidence base for protecting people from the harms of second-hand tobacco smoke through legislation and enforcement. Also, there is a special focus on the status of the implementation of smoke-free policies, with detailed data collected for the first time ever on a global basis at both the national level and for large subnational jurisdictions. Additional analyses of smoke-free legislation were performed, allowing for a more detailed understanding of progress and future challenges in this area.This report documents many gains in tobacco control achieved over the past year. Nearly 400 million people are newly covered by at least one complete MPOWER measure because of the actions taken by 17 countries to fight the tobacco epidemic. Of particular note is the progress made on establishing smoke-free environments, which is the focus of the report. Seven countries, most of which are middle-income, implemented comprehensive smoke-free laws in 2008. Several of these countries progressed from having either no national smoke-free law or only minimal protection in some types of public places or workplaces to full protection in all types of places. However, the data presented here also show that we have much more to do. Despite progress, only 9% of countries mandate smoke-free bars and restaurants, and 65 countries report no implementation of any smoke-free policies on a national level. The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control sets the bar high and establishes strong momentum for moving forward with global tobacco control. As documented in the report, progress is being made — but we can and must do more. Governments around the world, in partnership with civil society, must continue to act decisively against the tobacco epidemic — the leading global cause of preventable death. By continuing to make tobacco control a top priority, we can build on our successes and create a tobacco-free world.

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