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Strengthening care for the injured :success stories and lessons learned from around the world

Rok: 2010
ISBN: 9789241563963
OCLC Number: (OCoLC)640089154
OKCZID: 110869228

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
Strengthening care for the injured: success stories and lessons learned from around the world. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2010. vii, 62 stran.



Through this publication, WHO seeks to increase communication and the exchange of ideas among those working in the field of trauma care, whether in the prehospital setting, in acute care in hospitals, or in longer term rehabilitation; to increase communication among those involved in planning, administering, advocating for, or directly providing trauma care services; and to increase communication among those working in the field of trauma care in different countries worldwide.This book contains only some of the innovative and significant work being done by many individuals, institutions, and governments globally. It provides a range of case studies, including those from prehospital, hospital-based, rehabilitation, and system-wide settings, and from countries in all regions of the world and at all socioeconomic levels. These case studies have common themes and lessons learned. One of the most important of these is the need for perseverance, as many of the improvements took years to implement. Another lesson is the need for attention to detail. There was no magic bullet involved. Improvements occurred primarily by attention to detail in planning and organization. There are also important lessons learned about the role of health policy in extending trauma care improvements nationwide, beyond centers of excellence, and about the importance of using advocacy to increase political commitment, whether at the national, provincial, or institutional level. Finally, the case studies show that improvements can be made even in the poorest and most difficult of circumstances, and that even well-resourced environments can benefit from improved organization and monitoring of trauma care services.

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