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Cancer Incidence in Five Continents: Volume VII (IARC Scientific Publications)

Rok: 1997
ISBN: 9789283221432
OKCZID: 110204018



The seventh volume continues the pattern laid down at the start of this international collaborative project, to produce reliable and accurate data on cancer incidence which can be compared with confidence between populations from any part of the world. The data presented are collected, coded, and analyzed in a standard manner and are included only after an objective assessment of quality. This latest volume appears as two separate publications. The traditional volume presents not only data, but also text to help in the understanding and interpretation of the material and provides information on the individual registries. A separate publication (CB2) in the new IARC CancerBases series - two diskettes containing the database - provides the data analysis (including graphic displays) and a user's guide. The efforts to build up cancer registration in areas of the world for which very little information on cancer occurence is available are bearing fruit, and some of the results appear in this volume. There are data from new cancer registries in Africa, Asia (including, for the first time, data from Korea and Vietnam), and from South America (with Argentina and Uruguay appearing for the first time).

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