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Helping ourselves : community responses to AIDS in Swaziland

Rok: 2006
ISBN: 9789291735167
OKCZID: 110895212

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
Helping ourselves: community responses to AIDS in Swaziland. Geneva: UNAIDS, 2006. 52 s. UNAIDS best practice collection.



The Kingdom of Swaziland now has the highest recorded HIV prevalence in the world, and this southern African country faces enormous challenges, particularly when it comes to looking after the thousands of children orphaned by the epidemic. However, much inspirational work is being done at community level to put in place structures and programs to stem the flow of infections and mitigate the impact. Some of these programs are new, but others are based on old, traditional Swazi ways of doing things, that are now being revived and strengthened. This best practice document reports on the work being accomplished.

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