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Higher education in Europe 2009 : developments in the Bologna process

Rok: 2009
ISBN: 9789292010232
OKCZID: 110461360

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
Higher education in Europe 2009: developments in the Bologna process. Brussels: Eurydice, 2009. 146 s. Education and culture DG.



This report takes a partial look at the emerging European Higher Education Area (EHEA). It is partial in two ways--the selection of topics for consideration, and the type of information gathered for analysis. Rather than attempting to cover the full range of issues and challenges that need to be addressed to ensure the success of the EHEA, the choice has been taken to focus on a few priority topics identified by the previous Eurydice Bologna report, Focus on the Structure of Higher Education in Europe 2006/07, as issues in need of improvement. The overall picture in 2009 reveals that substantial progress has been made in all the areas that have been examined, and the benefits of enhanced European cooperation brought about through the Bologna process are evident. Yet as European higher education is dynamic and evolving in a fast-changing context, the reform process itself is continually creating new challenges as a consequence of the ways in which implementation has been addressed in each country. Thus the need to intensify cooperation at European level is becoming ever more acute, with improved monitoring mechanisms being essential to assess the impact of reforms. While much progress has been made in structural reform, the focus of attention and cooperation must now seek to combine national policy-making and system development with the content and reality of implementation in higher education institutions. A glossary is included. (Contains 17 figures and 2 footnotes.)

Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU

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