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Simplified Capture Skills : Chinese-English

Autor: Wang Xinde
Rok: 1985
ISBN: 9789622380134
OKCZID: 110406899
Vydání: 3. Ed.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
XINDE, Wang. Simplified Capture Skills: Chinese-English. 3. Ed. Hong Kong: Hai Feng, 1985, 166 s. Chinese Kung-Fu Series, 5. ISBN 962-238-013-1.



From the author: "The principal means for the application of the combat art are the seven methods of Kick, Hit, Throw, Pounce, Push, Bump and Capture.... This book deals with only with the simplified capture skills and aims at helping the weak and raising one's ability of self-defense." To get the most out of this book, one should have some basic understanding of self-defense applications. This book also contains some information on traditional Gongfu body conditioning exercises and drills.

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