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Laos : from buffer state to crossroads?

Autor: Pholsena, Vatthana
Rok: 2006
ISBN: 9789749480502
OKCZID: 110614822

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
PHOLSENA, Vatthana. Laos: from buffer state to crossroads?. Chiang Mai: Mekong, 2006. 215 s.



Can Laos—with its small, scattered, ethnically diverse population, enchanting but rugged landscapes, and rich natural resources—emerge from the shadows of its more powerful neighbors? It has been carved up by colonial powers in the nineteenth century and dragged into devastating revolution and war in the twentieth. The authors provide a full, frank, and engaging survey of Laos today, assessing its history, prospects, and hopes. The book is essential reading for scholars, policymakers, and anyone interested in coming to grips with Laos today.

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