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An introduction to interfaces & colloids : the bridge to nanoscience

Autor: John C. Berg
Rok: 2009
ISBN: 9789814293075
OKCZID: 110746024

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
BERG, John C. An introduction to interfaces & colloids: the bridge to nanoscience. Singapore: World Scientific, c2010. xviii, 785 s.



The textbook seeks to bring readers with no prior knowledge or experience in interfacial phenomena, colloid science or nanoscience to the point where they can comfortably enter the current scientific and technical literature in the area. Designed as a pedagogical tool, this book recognizes the cross-disciplinary nature of the subject. To facilitate learning, the topics are developed from the beginning with ample cross-referencing. The understanding of concepts is enhanced by clear descriptions of experiments and provisions of figures and illustrations. Fluid Interfaces and Capillarity Thermodynamics of Interfacial Systems Solid-Liquid Interactions Colloidal Systems: Phenomenology and Characterization Electrical Properties of Interfaces Interaction Between Colloid Particles Rheology of Dispersions Emulsions and Foams Interfacial Hydrodynamics

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