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Castles, chateaux and historical objects in Vysočina : Vysočina region

NKP-CNB: cba001-0976723
OKCZID: 128415074



"The inspiring Vysočina region, located in the very heart of the Czech Republic, is awaiting you. Nature lovers will enjoy woody hills, rolling meadows and pristine rivers; those eager to learn and see new things can set out towards the imaginary triangle of UNESCO sites or explore the half-forgotten history of castles, chateaux and castle ruins. Great experiences await families with children. Join us on a journey to the most interesting attractions that authentic Vysočina region has to offer." In Castles, chateaux and historical objects in Vysočina: Vysočina region. Jihlava: Vysočina Tourism, 2018. 39 stran.

Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU

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