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Rendering in SketchUpfrom modeling to presentation for architecture, landscape architecture, and interior design

Autor: Tal Daniel
Rok: 2013
OCLC Number: (OCoLC)842860110
OKCZID: 112676356

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
TAL, Daniel. Rendering in SketchUp: from modeling to presentation for architecture, landscape architecture, and interior design. Hoboken: Wiley, c2013. xii, 628 s.



Rendering In SketchUp provides instructions for creating 3D photoreal graphics for SketchUp models using integrated rendering programs. The book serves as a beginner rendering manual and reference guide to further develop rendering skills. With an emphasis on step-by-step process, SketchUp users learn a universal approach to rendering varied SketchUp projects, including architecture, interiors, and site design models. The book focuses on tasks and principles at the core of photorealistic rendering, including: Rendering process: Learn a step-by-step process focused on workflow within SketchUp's familiar workspace. Universal method: Understand how the process can be used to work with a variety of different integrated rendering programs, including Shaderlight, SU Podium and Twilight Render**. These programs are easy to learn and function in SketchUp. Textures and materials: Discover how to obtain, apply and edit texture images representing surfaces. Component details: Learn how to acquire and organize model details to allow for rich, expressive settings while maintaining computer and SketchUp performance. Exterior and simulated lighting: Learn to set exterior lighting with the SketchUp’s Shadow menu or illuminate a scene with simulated lights, lamps, and bulbs. Render settings: Use specific settings for various rendering programs to quickly set texture character, image quality, and graphic output. Computer specifications: Find out how computers produce renders and the type of computer hardware required to streamline the process. Photoshop post-processing: Learn how to further refine rendered images in Photoshop. **Free online chapters: The book reviews specific settings for SketchUp and the rendering plug-in Shaderlight. Given the ever-changing nature of technology, free, online accompanying chapters detail settings for additional integrated rendering programs including SU Podium, Twilight Render, and more.

Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU

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