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Bloch, Jan

Nahlásit porušení duševního vlastnictví, nebo práva na ochranu soukromí.

Autor: Bloch, Jan
Rok: 1836-1902
Oblast působnosti: bankéři, podnikatelé

Biogr./Hist. údaje: Polský bankéř a podnikatel, tvůrce a vývojář několika hlavních železničních tratí v Rusku, poradce ruského ministerstva financí, autor studií o technických, ekonomických a politických aspektech moderní průmyslové války.
Zdroj: Autoritní databáze Národní knihovny ČR

Jan Bloch

For the sexologist Ivan Bloch, see Iwan BlochJan Gotlib (Bogumił) Bloch (Russian: Иван Станиславович Блиох or Блох) (July 24, 1836, Radom – December 25, 1901/1902, Warsaw) was a Polish banker and railway financier who devoted his private life to the study of modern industrial warfare. Born Jewish and a convert to Calvinism, he spent considerable effort to opposing the prevalent Antisemitic polices of the Tsarist government, and was sympathetic to the fledgling Zionist Movement.Bloch had studied at the University of Berlin, worked at a Warsaw bank and then moved to St. Petersburg, capital of the Russian Empire (which governed much of the Polish lands at the time). There, he took part in the development of the Russian Railways, both in financing the construction of new railways and in writing research papers on the subject. He founded several banking, credit and insurance companies. In 1877 he was appointed a member of the Russian Finance Ministry's Scientific Committee.

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