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Sims, George Robert

Nahlásit porušení duševního vlastnictví, nebo práva na ochranu soukromí.

Autor: Sims, George Robert
Rok: 1847-1922

George Robert Sims

For the founding pioneer of New Port Richey, see George R. SimsGeorge Robert Sims (2 September 1847 – 4 September 1922) was an English journalist, poet, dramatist, novelist and bon vivant.Sims began writing lively humour and satiric pieces for Fun magazine and The Referee, but he was soon concentrating on social reform, particularly the plight of the poor in London's slums. A prolific journalist and writer he also produced a number of novels.Sims was also a very successful dramatist, writing numerous plays, often in collaboration, several of which had long runs and international success. He also bred bulldogs, was an avid sportsman and lived richly among a large circle of literary and artistic friends. Sims earned a fortune from his productive endeavours but had gambled most of it away by the time of his death.

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