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Córdova-Ríos, Manuel | |
Autor: Córdova-Ríos, Manuel
Rok: 1887-1978 Manuel Córdova-Rios (November 22, 1887 – November 22, 1978) was a vegetalista (herbalist) of the upper Amazon, and the subject of several books. As a young mestizo in the Amazon forest to cut rubber trees, he was apparently captured by a native tribe, among whom he then lived for seven years. The elderly chief taught him in intensive private sessions traditional knowledge, e.g., about medicinal plants of the jungle, and about leadership. From the tribe he learned hunting skills and acquired the name Ino Moxo (black jaguar). The chief also led group sessions using ayahuasca. After the chief's death, Córdova gave youthful leadership to the tribe for some years. Then he returned to Peruvian life, raising a family. Eventually he became well known in the Amazon region for his success as a curandero (healer), by his skill in using the chief's herbal teachings. In the early 1960s in the Amazon city of Iquitos he had met an American forester, Bruce Lamb (1913–1993), who then wrote about his life story, Wizard of the Upper Amazon (1971), and about his healing arts, Rio Tigre and Beyond (1985). Both books enjoyed popularity and drew academic interest and controversy. Later, a Peruvian poet-novelist and an American poet published works about him. |