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Caillavet, Gaston Arman de | |
Autor: Caillavet, Gaston Arman de
Rok: 1869-1915 Gaston Arman de Caillavet (1869 – 13 January 1915) was a French playwright. He was the son of Albert Arman de Caillavet and Léontine Lippmann, the muse of Anatole France. In April 1893 he married Jeanne Pouquet. From 1901 to 1915, he collaborated with Robert de Flers on many works, including light and witty operettas or comédies de boulevard, many of which were great successes.He was a very close friend of Marcel Proust who found in him and his fiancée, Jeanne Pouquet, a model of the relationship between Robert de Saint-Loup and Gilberte in his famous novel In Search of Lost Time.Gaston and Jeanne had only one daughter, Simone, who married (second wedding) André Maurois, future biographer of Proust. |