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Chátamí, Mohammad

Nahlásit porušení duševního vlastnictví, nebo práva na ochranu soukromí.

Autor: Chátamí, Mohammad
Rok: 1943-

Biogr./Hist. údaje: Íránský učenec, filosof, ší'itský teolog a reformní politik,v letech 1997 až 2005 íránský prezident.
Zdroj: Autoritní databáze Národní knihovny ČR

Mohammad Chátamí

Seyyed Mohammad Khatami (Persian: سید محمد خاتمی‎‎, pronounced [ sejˈjed mohæmˈmæde xɒːtæˈmiː]; born 29 September 1943) is an Iranian scholar, Shia theologian, and Reformist politician. He served as the fifth President of Iran from 3 August 1997 to 3 August 2005. He also served as Iran's Minister of Culture from 1982 to 1992. He was an outspoken critic of former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's government.Little known until that point, Khatami attracted global attention during his first election to the presidency when he captured almost 70% of the vote. Khatami had run on a platform of liberalization and reform. During his two terms as president, Khatami advocated freedom of expression, tolerance and civil society, constructive diplomatic relations with other states including those in the Asia and European Union, and an economic policy that supported a free market and foreign investment.Khatami is known for his proposal of Dialogue Among Civilizations. The United Nations proclaimed the year 2001 as the United Nations' Year of Dialogue Among Civilizations, on Khatami's suggestion.On 8 February 2009, Khatami announced that he would run in the 2009 presidential election. On 16 March, he announced he was withdrawing from the race in favor of his long-time friend and adviser, former Prime Minister of Iran, Mir-Hossein Mousavi.In October 2009, the award committee of the Global Dialogue Prize declared Dariush Shayegan and Mohammad Khatami as joint winners of the inaugural award, "for their work in developing and promoting the concept of a 'dialogue among cultures and civilizations' as new paradigm of cultural subjectivity and as new paradigm of international relations". The Global Dialogue Prize is one of the world's most significant recognitions for research in the Humanities, honoring "excellence in research and research communication on the conditions and content of a global intercultural dialogue on values". In January 2010, Mohammad Khatami stated that "he was not in the position to accept the award", and the prize was given to Dariush Shayegan alone.Currently the Iranian media are banned from mentioning the name or publishing the images of Khatami.

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